NAV Navbar
  • API Reference
  • Version
  • Authentication
  • Formats
  • Pagination
  • Resources
  • Parishes
  • Settlements
  • Road Segments
  • Roads
  • Points Of Interest
  • API Reference

    API Domain.

    The JAMNAV API is a RESTful web service that provides developers with read only access to geographical data in the JAMNAV database. The data is organised into resources accessible by sending requests to the API's resource endpoints.

    There are two(2) main requirements for successful interaction with the API. Firstly, developers should ensure their requests are sent via a secure connection (HTTPS). Secondly, each request to the API requires authentication. Unauthenticated requests or requests sent via HTTP are rejected by the API and will result in a API error.

    By utilizing or interacting directly or indirectly with the JAMNAV API, you have agreed to the JAMNAV terms of service.


    Root Version URL

    Example Response

        "divisions": "",
        "settlements": "",

    The current release of the API available to developers is version 1.0. This version contains searching/filtering functionality as well as resources specific to Jamaica such as Jamaican parishes, settlements and points of interest.

    Resources in this version can be accessed by adding the version identifier v1 to the base url. The version endpoint lists the resource endpoints in the API and can be used as a directory.


    # Unauthenticated request.
    curl ""
    # Authenticated request
    curl "" 
        -H "Authorization: Token <api_token>"

    Unauthenticated response

    { "detail" : "Authentication credentials were not provided." }

    Invalid token response

    { "detail": "Invalid token." }

    The API authenticates requests using a secret key or token. This key is only generated after the authorisation of a developer account. After authorisation, the developer will be able to view their key by logging into the site and navigating to the JAMNAV Developer Dashboard. The developer's API key will be prominently displayed in the dashboard's user interface.

    The API key should be included in every request to the API through the addition of a Authorization HTTP header. The value of the Authorization header should be the secret API key prefixed with the string literal Token. If a request does not have an Authorization header or the API token in the header is invalid the API will respond with a 401 status accompanied by an error message describing the issue.


    Example GeoJSON.

        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "features": [
                "id": 1
                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": {
                    "point": {
                        "type": "Point",
                        "coordinates": [-123.0208, 44.0464],
                "properties": {
                    "name": "Mona Informatix Ltd",


    Responses from the JAMNAV API are all valid JSON including the index or version endpoint, resource endpoints and API functions such as nearby points of interest.


    The JAMNAV API returns geographic data as valid GeoJSON, a specialized form of the JSON format. As per the GeoJSON specification the API details geographic resources as a type of Feature with an id, properties and a geometry(point, polygon, line, multipolygon). The API also lists these resources as a FeatureCollection with a array of Features and pagination properties.


    Example Pagination<resource>/?page_size=10

    Paginated Response

        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "count": 300,
        "next": "",
        "previous": null,
        "features": [
                "id": 1
                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": {
                    "point": {
                        "type": "Point",
                        "coordinates": [-123.0208, 44.0464],
                "properties": {
                    "name": "Mona Informatix Ltd",

    All responses from list endpoints are automatically paginated using page number pagination. This allows developers to access a subset of a resource by specifying the page number.

    The maximum pagination size is 500. By default the resource page size is 100.

    Custom Pagination

    The API's default pagination scheme can be customized by specifying the page_size in the request query string. The following query variables can be used to update the API's pagination.

    page_size The amount of the resource to be listed in each page.
    page The number of the page requested.

    Paginated Response

    Pagination adds some special keys to the API resource response to help with client-side pagination. These are:

    count The total number of the resouce available.
    next The url of the next page of the resource.
    previous The url the previous page of the resource.


    API Resource URL Format

    # List Resource<resource_name>/
    # Resource Detail<resource_name>/<recource_id>/

    The JAMNAV API currently has three (3) resources for geographical data in Jamaica. These are:

    Each resource has a list and a detail endpoint that can be accessed by appending the resource name and the resource instance indentifier. The resource list endpoints have search functionality based on the properties of the resource.


    JAMNAV API Parish Endpoint

    # List Parishes
    # Search Parishes
    # Parish Detail

    API Response

        "id": 14,
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPolygon",
        "coordinates": [
        "properties": {
            "name": "Westmoreland",
            "data": {
                "perimeter": 166476.942,
                "pop_199": 46770,
                "total_area": 785194118.784,
                "area": 785189957.721,
                "count": 14,
                "acres": 194019.319,
                "area_km": 785.189957721,
                "pop_200": 55568

    The JAMNAV API Parishes are accurate Multipolygon geometries with the following properties and data:

    name The name of the parish.
    perimeter The parish's perimeter in kilometers.
    pop_1991 The parish's population in 1991.
    pop_2001 The parish's population in 2001.
    pop_2011 The parish's population in 2011.
    acres The acres of land in the parish.
    area_km The parish's area in kilometers.
    area_m The parish's area in meters.

    Parishes can be filtered by their names.


    JAMNAV API Settlement Endpoint

    # List Settlements
    # Search Settlements
    # Settlement Detail

    API Response

        "id": 103,
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "properties": {
            "name": "Friendship",
            "parish": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Hanover"

    The JAMNAV API Parishes are point geometries with the following properties:

    name The name of the settlement.
    parish The parish the settlement is located in.

    Search Settlements

    Settlements have two (2) field filters. These are:

    1. name
    2. parish

    Road Segments

    JAMNAV API Road Segment Endpoint

    # List Road Segments
    # Search Road Segments
    # Road Segment Detail

    API Response

        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
        "properties": {
            "grmn_type": "RESIDENTIAL",
            "name": "pinewood dr",
            "route_lvl": 1.0,
            "speed_limit": 50,
            "speed_format": 1,
            "one_way": 0,
            "toll_road": 0,
            "link_id": 10179,
            "sett_name": "Duhaney Park",
            "sett_w_pari": "Duhaney Park, St. Andrew",
            "parish_set": "St. Andrew",
            "comm_name": "FOREST HILLS/PLANTATION HEIGHTS",
            "poi_name": "Casa Roma Decima",
            "poi_address": "Belvedere Rd, Forest Hills/Plantation Heights",
            "poi_parish": "St. Andrew"

    The JAMNAV API Road Segments are point geometries with the following properties:

    grmn_type Road Segment Type (category) based on function. For example.... Residential, Driveway or Major Highway.
    name Name of Road Segment with suffix eg. Rd, Ave, Cl etc. Road Segments without a name or names we do not have are named as "road.
    route_lvl Relate directly to GRMN_TYPE and gives the road segment class based on the Garmin classification used. It is a road segment classification scheme that has adapted to the Jamaican situation well.
    speed_limit The official speed limit of the road. All public road in the KMA are 50km/hr or less. Except for Highway 2000 etc.
    speed_format 1 indicates that we are using Metric and not Statute.
    one_way 0 means 2 way navigation possible on that line while 1 means that navigation is possible in only 1 direction.
    toll_road 0 mean it is not a toll road (free travel),  while 1 means yes it is a toll road.
    link_id Unique number given to each road segment number. This should not repeat itself in this shapefile or in any other shapefile to be used as a part of a map build..
    sett_name The nearest settlement to respective road segment.
    sett_w_pari The nearest settlement with parish in the same field (may not be useful to u).
    parish_set Just the parish the nearest settlement corresponding to the road segment falls in.
    comm_name The nearest community to respective road segment.
    poi_name The nearest point of interest to respective road segment.
    poi_address Address of nearest point of interest to respective road segment**.
    poi_parish Parish in which the closest POI to respective road segment falls.

    Search Road Segments

    Road Segments have field filters:

    1. grmn_type
    2. name
    3. route_lvl
    4. speed_limit
    5. speed_format
    6. one_way
    7. toll_road
    8. one_way
    9. toll_road
    10. link_id
    11. sett_name
    12. sett_w_pari
    13. parish_set
    14. comm_name
    15. poi_name
    16. poi_address
    17. poi_parish


    JAMNAV API Road Endpoint

    # List Roads
    # Search Roads
    # Road Detail

    API Response

        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "properties": {
            "name": "bank ave",
            "parish": {
                "id": 17,
                "name": "Kingston"

    The JAMNAV API Roads are point geometries with the following properties:

    name Name of Road with suffix eg. Rd, Ave, Cl etc. Roads without a name or names we do not have are named as "road.
    parish The parish the road is located in.
    country The country the road is located in.

    Search Roads

    Roads have field filter:

    1. name

    Points Of Interest

    Points Of Interest API Endpoints

    # List Points Of Interest
    # Search Points Of Interest
    # Point Of Interest Detail
    # Nearby Points Of Interest

    API Response

        "id": 25762,
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "properties": {
            "name": "Mile Gully Basic School",
            "categories": [],
            "phone_number": "",
            "address": "Central Rd, Lower Work"
            "parish": {
                "id": 11,
                "name": "St. Mary"

    Resource Properties

    JAMNAV API Points Of Interest have the following properties:

    name The name of the point of interest.
    categories The categories that the point of interest is classified by.
    phone_number The phone number of the point of interest.
    address The address of the point of interest.
    parish The parish that the point of interest is located in.

    Search Points Of Interests

    Points Of Interest have three (3) field filters. These are:

    1. name
    2. parish
    3. categories

    Nearby Points Of Interest

    The nearby points of interest endpoint adds functionality that allows points of interest to be ordered by their proximity to a point. The point should be specified in the request query string as lat and lng variables. Points of Interest can also be filtered by their name, parish, category as well as their proximity to the specified point on this endpoint.


    Category API Endpoint

    # List Catgeories
    # Search Categories
    # Category Detail

    API Response

        "id": 4,
        "name": "Attraction",
        "children": []

    Points of Interest are classified by categories. These categories are listed on the API categories endpoint and can be filtered by name. Developer's access to point of interest categories is limited by the data tier selected in the Developer Dashboard.